English Muffins For Breakfast

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English Muffins For Breakfast
English Muffins For Breakfast When English muffins became expensive, along with crumpets and bagels, I decided to make my own. They are such a welcome break from toast and a great alternative to the chewy textures of bagels. I looked at about 15 different recipes and began to experiment. This is my final version and is closest to the original English muffin. The trickiest part of this recipe is the handling of the muffins during the frying process. There is no kneading require for this , but there is a lot of "waiting to rise" time. So let's get started.
    Ingredients List:
  • 190 mls of reduced fat milk
  • 1 large egg
  • 15mls of canola oil
  • 4 grams of active yeast
  • 350 grams plain flour
  • 3/4 tsp fine pink salt
  • 15 grams white sugar
  • Flour or cornmeal for cooking
    • Inspiration for this recipe goes to John Kirkwood. Please drop by his channel for the best bread making recipes ever. John is a retired baker with plenty of experience producing top notch pastries, breads and other baked goods.

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